Pedro V.
Very Good Very good CS

Manuel E.
One of the best Mining offers anywhere I live in one of those countries where electricity is consider a social asset, so after 500 kWhr Bill goes above 100+ Euros... killing any mining hardware gain I can build / buy. The alternative: BH CLOUD MINING LTD System. I have been mining with them since 2017, and my only complaint is the mining fees that seem to high, however it is the only “cloud” service I would trust, so that cost is worth. If you have any doubt, start with the smallest 12-month package you can buy even use your credit card (in my case I have 90 days insurance) and even if you get delay paid with credit cards, that was how I started. Now I buy hundreds for Euros packages up front using Bitcoins and I am very happy. I hope this review helps if you still have doubts.

Kaan K.
Support and Payouts support is there when you need it. very competent and helpful! The payments are made daily. nice to look at :-)

Poumpaufeou !! Meou Qeou !! Give me more bitcoin !!

Pekka H.
Excellent experience for a half year Now waiting forward what happens in the next BTC halving (4 days to go)!